3-Dimensional Movement Analysis & Performance System (3DMAPS®)

Transformational Assessment and Progression System for both Rehabilitation and Training

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format (Online Only)

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3DMAPS (3D Movement Analysis & Performance System) is the most innovative way to effectively analyze and enhance the entire body in an efficient, revealing, and evidence-based manner. This certification equips you, the movement professional, with the content, competence, and confidence to meet the needs, wants, and goals of all of your patients and clients. Unlike any other movement screen, 3DMAPS is a movement analysis and performance system that applies to the three-dimensionality and abilities of all individuals and all of human function. 3DMAPS boils down all of human movement (the three-dimensional interaction of joints, muscles, and proprioceptors) into 6 Vital Transformational Zones, adapts these movements within Mobility Analysis Movements (assessing range of motion) and Stability Analysis Movements (assessing control of motion), and empowers you to then prioritize the best and most logical progressions in serving your patients and clients better.

Languages Available:
English (Spoken and subtitles), Portuguese (Legendas em português), and Russian (Русские субтитры)


  • Gary Gray
  • Doug Gray

Presenter Bios

This course must be completed chronologically, the participant must complete all steps in each section before continuing onto the next.

Exams must be passed with an 70% average. Participants may retake the exams at any time until they pass. Exam questions are multiple choice and True/False format.

Continuing Education Approvals

ACE-1.0 CECs,

CanFitPro - 4.0 CECs

ISSA - 10 CEU Hours




PTA Global-10 CECs

NATA-BOC- 10 CE hours (Category A)

Physical Therapy

  • Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, **Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming. (11 Contact Hours through Redefine Health Education)

  • DC (1.9 CEUs)

    Ohio (12 Contact Hrs.)
    Maryland (1.0 CEUs/10 Contact Hrs.)
    Minnesota (10 CE Hrs.)

    New Jersey (10 Contact Hrs.)

    Texas (11.80 CCUs)

**For Florida approval go to CE Broker (use approval# 20-891773) - Course will be listed on CE Broker under Redefine Health Education as the sponsor

Refund Policy
Gray Institute offers a refund in the form of a credit to use for other Gray Institute Courses, only if the course material has not been started. Once the course material has been started, no refund will issued.

Available Course Credits

Alaska State PT & OT Board 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Arkansas State Board of Physcial Thearpy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
California Physical Therapy Board 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Colorado Physical Therapy License Board 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Connecticut Department of Public Health 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Delaware Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
District Of Columbia Department of Health 1.90 Expiring on January 11, 2026
FPTA 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Georgia State Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
GI 11.00
Hawaii Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Idaho Physical Therapy Licensure Board 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Indiana Physical Therapy Board 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Iowa Board of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Maine Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners 1.00
Massachusetts Board of Allied Health Professionals 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Michigan Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Missouri Advisory Commission for Physical Therapists 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Montana Board of Physical Therapy Examiners 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
NAFC 1.00
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Nevada Physical Therapy Board 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
New Jersey State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners 10.00 Expiring on January 31, 2026
New Mexico Physical Therapy Board 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
North Dakota Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
NYPTA 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Office of Professional Regulation, Vermont Secretary of State 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Ohio Physical Therapy Association 12.00 Expiring on March 27, 2025
Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision - Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Oregon Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs - Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Physical Therapy Governing Board New Hampshire 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
SCW 10.00
South Carolina Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
South Dakota Physical Therapy License Board 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
State of Alabama Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
State of Rhode Island Department of Health 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Tennessee Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Utah Physical Therapy Licensing Board 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Virginia Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Washington State Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Wisconsin Physical Therapy License Board 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026
Wyoming Board of Physical Therapy 11.00 Expiring on January 11, 2026

Learning Objectives

Learn, Appreciate, and Apply:

  • Applied Functional Science® / Science of Movement
    1. Physical Sciences
    2. Biological Sciences
    3. Behavioral Sciences
  • Functional Spectrum
    1. Physical Principles
    2. Biological Principles
    3. Behavioral Principles
  • Principle-Strategy-Technique Process
    1. Traditional vs. Functional Analyses
  • Applied Functional Science® Nomenclature
    1. Environment
    2. Position
    3. Driver
    4. Triangulation
    5. Action
  • 6 Vital Transformational Zones
  • 6 Chain Reactions®
    1. Anterior Chain Reaction®
    2. Posterior Chain Reaction®
    3. Same Side Lateral Chain Reaction®
    4. Opposite Side Lateral Chain Reaction®
    5. Same Side Rotational Chain Reaction®
    6. Opposite Side Rotational Chain Reaction®
  • Mobility Analysis Movements
    1. Lunge Matrix
    2. Bilateral Hand Swing Matrix
    3. Lunge with Bilateral Hand Swing Matrix
  • Stability Analysis Movements
    1. Single Leg Balance Foot Reach Matrix
    2. Single Leg Balance Bilateral Hand Swing Matrix
    3. Single Leg Balance Foot Reach with Bilateral Hand Swing Matrix
  • Biomechanics of Primary Complexes
    1. Subtalar / Ankle
    2. Hip
    3. Knee
    4. Thoracic Spine
    5. Lumbar Spine
    6. Cervical Spine
    7. Shoulder
  • Range of Motion / Shape of Analysis Movements
  • Control of Motion / Quality of Analysis Movements
  • Relative Success Spectrum
  • Analysis & Documentation
  • 14 “Mostability” Performance Progressions / Matrices

Course Procedure

  1. Enroll in the course.
  2. View the course content.
  3. Take the test. (You must score 70% to pass. If you do not pass, you may retake the test.)
  4. Print your certificate of completion.

Course Content

3DMAPS - Applied Functional Science® (Module 1)
3DMAPS - Functional Spectrum (Module 2)
3DMAPS - Principle-Strategy-Technique Process (Module 3)
3DMAPS - Applied Functional Science® Nomenclature (Module 4)
3DMAPS - Chain Reactions® (Module 5)
3DMAPS - Chain Reaction® Biomechanics (Module 6)
3DMAPS - Mobility & Stability Analysis Movements (Module 7)
3DMAPS - Relative Success Code & Performance System (Module 8)
3DMAPS Virtual (On-Demand)
3DMAPS® Presentation Deck & Evaluation

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